
Images and ideas from the photo students at Snow College. A storehouse, sketchbook, idea-generator, and public musing space.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Proposal 2 - Kim Kohnlein

what once was...
the photographic documentation of abandonment, things and places left behind. the eerie feeling that creeps at the corners of your mind as you look at the remnants of human life, the objects from life that once was. these are buildings where people lived or worked or played. places that were once cared for and maintained. homes where people celebrated holidays and ate dinners together. but today they are empty and decrepit. they are forgotten places. 

This will be an architectural digital photography show by Kim Kohnlein documenting the abandonment of structures in modern times. I don't have a preference on where this gallery is. 
All 3 walls will be used. I plan on making at least 2-3 prints for each wall, approximately 18"x24" each. 

Below are some of the images that will be included in this exhibit.

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