
Images and ideas from the photo students at Snow College. A storehouse, sketchbook, idea-generator, and public musing space.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Neighbors: "We live so close together but live completely different lives."-Julie Clements

The Clements
Lived in Hideaway for 14 years
Julie Dawn: Stay at home mother and homeschooler
Joe Merlin: Automation Engineer
Dakodta Robert: Age 15, guitar player and robotics enthusiast, attends Wasatch Academy
Joseph McLane Michael: Age 14, Drum player and dirt bike rider, attends Wasatch Academy
Alacycia Jay: Age 10, Loves dancing and gymnastics
Kiyah Liberty Dawn: Age 8, Loves designing clothes and animals

4 Wheeler
4 Cars
1 Motor Home
3 Dirt Bikes

Home: 2 1/2 Bath, 5 Bedroom

1 Dog
4 Cats
7 Chickens
1 Hermit Crab


The Trendlers
Lived in Hideaway for 2 Months
Wayne: Stay at home father and woodworker
Michael Alexander Wayne: Age 6, Elementary student, and super hero lover
Lillian Willow Rose: Age 3, loves princesses and dancing

2 Trailers
6 Working Cars

Home: 2 Bath, 3 Bedroom

Lost wife Monika, July 26, 2011 to Breast Cancer. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and lasted a year and a half; they were married almost seven years. Wayne moved to Hideaway to be close to relatives.



The Bordels
Lived in Hideaway for 1 year; lived in the area for 7.
Mike: Unemployed Carpenter
Charlie: Forklift operator
Hawk: Age 14, Attends North Sanpete Middle School, rides dirt bikes

1 Trailer
1 TePee
1 Dirt Bike

Home: RV- 1 Bath, 1 Bedroom

8 Dogs

"Welcome to our humble obode..."- Mike Bordel

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