
Images and ideas from the photo students at Snow College. A storehouse, sketchbook, idea-generator, and public musing space.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Proposal 2- Courtney Crockett

A Sparkle of Light

In the world today many bad things are happening. The world is cruel, harsh, and dark. If we let it the darkness will swallow us whole. It's when we choose to see past the darkness, and see the good the world has to offer. Looking for that "sparkle of light" can help us change our perspective, and way we view the negative all around us.

This will be a natural light digital photography show by Courtney Crockett. I will be documenting "cheery" images through natural light photography. I do not have a preference on what gallery I recieve. I will be using the wall space by putting at least 3 images on each wall (18''x24'')
Below are some images that I plan on using in the exhibit.

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