
Images and ideas from the photo students at Snow College. A storehouse, sketchbook, idea-generator, and public musing space.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cloning - PhotoShop Presentation - Jennie


 -Jennie Robins

PhotoShop - Clone Tool
by Jennie Robins
            1.  Open your image in Photoshop

2.  Select the Clone/Stamp tool -

3.  You can change the size, hardness, and type of brush in the pop-up brush by the options bar

4.  Choose the area you want to clone and hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) and click.  This selection will be the area that you will clone.

5.  Then it is time to have fun, go where you want the clone to be placed and click.  Hold down your mouse as you clone, or it will reset to the starting point of the cloning area.

6.  You can reset your cloning area by holding down Alt/Option as you click.

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