
Images and ideas from the photo students at Snow College. A storehouse, sketchbook, idea-generator, and public musing space.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WHITE BALANCE - Adah Bennion

AUTO WB - Closer to reality, though a touch on the cooler, less saturated side. 

SUNNY WB - Very saturated, warm tones, resulting in what feels like more color range. I liked this setting better. 

AUTO WB - Closer to reality, though a touch on the cooler, less saturated side. I liked this setting more.

CLOUDY WB - Saturation is more than in reality, however, too yellow/green in hue. 

AUTO WB - Closer to reality, though a touch on the cooler, less saturated side. 

SHADE WB - Again, yellow/green hue intense, but I do like the golden, softer look. Both of these settings seem good to me, which I would use would come down to the look I was going for in the shot. 

AUTO BW - Close to reality, though a touch on the cooler, less saturated side. 

INCANDESCENT WB - Slightly warmed than in reality, richer tones and range in shadow. I like both settings for different reasons.  

AUTO WB - (LED? Not sure) Very yellow intense, saturated, yet comes across as sickly (skin tones). 

FLUORESCENT WB - (LED? Not sure.) Very red hue based, heavy saturation. Noise pops much more. 

AUTO WB - Slightly cooler than in reality, "crisper" image.  I like this setting more. 

FLUORESCENT WB - More saturated in yellow/green hues, whole image seems darker in general.

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