
Images and ideas from the photo students at Snow College. A storehouse, sketchbook, idea-generator, and public musing space.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Final Ideas -Kayla Gibbs

This is one of the stories I may do. Each color will be a different page and have a picture or two with it. I am not sure if I will do this one or not. (This is not the whole story! I have more!)
(It would look something like this. I didn't take the picture. Someone else did.)
Take This Journey with Me

Take a minute or two with me and I will take you on a journey to another land.

Close your eyes and listen to my words

To the different possibilities that I am going to tell you.

Open your ears to the sounds around you.

Let your nose smell the different smells in this new place.

Have your taste buds ready for the new tastes your tongue may not have tasted before.

Come; come with me to another place where there are new things around you.


Now, open your eyes and look around you.

What do you see?

Something that is blue that is as far as you can see.

This is what your eyes are telling you.

You know what this blue is, the sky.

There are clouds in the sky that are in different shapes and sizes.

Now sit up and take another look around you; what are your eyes telling you now?


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