
Images and ideas from the photo students at Snow College. A storehouse, sketchbook, idea-generator, and public musing space.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Artest Statment -Richard Sterner-

The Last Mile   
By Richard Sterner

When driving on the many roads through rural Utah, it’s easy to miss something that is so common; road kill. Rural Utah drivers pass an animal that has been hit by car almost on a daily basis. Overtime, these animals become unnoticed. If it were a human being, would you do the same?

                 This series of animals isn’t about death, but more so respect. To show a creature’s last moment on Earth. Who knows what their life held before it was so brutally ended, but we can at least honor what  they had.
These images were shot with a digital camera in black and white. I veered away from color on purpose. What some might see as gross and disgusting cannot be seen so well in shades of grey. This puts more focus on the animal and not necessarily what happened to it. 

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