
Images and ideas from the photo students at Snow College. A storehouse, sketchbook, idea-generator, and public musing space.

Monday, September 26, 2011

storybook - junelle

Based on the book ~ Harold and the Purple Crayon (Crockett Johnson)

One evening, after thinking it over for sometime, 
Harold decide to go for a walk.  
He made a long straight path so he wouldn't get lost.

And he set off on his walk, taking his yellow paintbrush with him.  

He cut across fields, watching the flowers, weeds, and dragonflies light up as he approached.  

Reaching the trees the leaves brightened into buttery yellows, 

and led his path straight to an azure lake. 

He walked along the shore, softly brushing the water and creating a soft glow.  

 He loved painting his world with happy color and imagined his paintbrush 
mending the broken places in this place

and bringing happiness to others. 

 Surely more adventures await this little boy and his golden brush.  

Goodnight Harold. 

Junelle Jacobsen 

1 comment:

  1. i absolutely LOVE all of these images.
    especially the one with the leaves in a row. such a great job!
