
Images and ideas from the photo students at Snow College. A storehouse, sketchbook, idea-generator, and public musing space.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Children's Tale Logan

Left foot Left foot Right foot Right

Feet in the morning

Feet at night

Left foot Left foot Left foot Right

Wet foot Dry foot

Low foot High foot

Left foot Right foot Feet Feet Feet How many, many feet you meet

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

childrens tale: Katelin Jensen

I decided to make the connection between the dog feeling like he was losing a lot of the attention, to me making the transition into living with half of the Snow College cheer team and at times feeling very much like an outcast. I decided to go with an abstract approach to avoid it seeming cliche. 

-katelin teresa.

Children's Tale (Jessica Diamond)

This is based off of the story of "Inside a Barn in the Country" but with a spin...
Here's my version.

(I can't hear him. *shock*)
(Time for the Hearing Test)
("An 'F'?!?!")
(Time to retest)
(Nervous about retesting)
(Taking the test for a second time)
(Let the celebrating commence!)
(Peaceful Ending?)
(Apparently not.)
(And so it starts....again.)

The spin I took was on my life....guess what I'm doing now? (hah)
-Jessica (Christensen) Diamond