
Images and ideas from the photo students at Snow College. A storehouse, sketchbook, idea-generator, and public musing space.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Protrait -Kayla Gibbs

SELF PORTAITS ( Bathroom ) - Adah Bennion

F  4.5  1/320  ISO 1600  33mm

F  4  1/200  ISO 1600  18mm
F  4  1/250  ISO 1600  18mm
F  3.5  1/400  ISO 1600  23mm

F  4  1/250  ISO 1600  25mm

F  4  1/250  ISO 1600  25mm

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bathroom Portraits-Savannah Sloan

ISO 1600   f/5   1/100

ISO 1600  f/4  1/50

ISO 1600   f/3.5   1/30

ISO 1600   f/3.5   1/80